
sentence generation because sentence love ice cream car gas station

see what i did there? pretty clever, huh? smart fucking cookie, eh?

31st july, 2024:

so i found the probability of an individual state given the relationship between the states using some linear algebra shenanigans. now we NEED to do sentence generation. so here’s my plan, we get a massive repository of text, and we derive the probability of the next state (the following word) given the current state (current word). now the challenge is to derive the markov chain. i think i know how to do that. so im going to create an array that contains all the words. then ill take the first word from that array and find all instances of it in the “massive repository of text” and find the probability of each word in the array following it. this will give me an array of probabilties. ill do this for each word in the array. badabing badaboom we have the markov chain.

i did it. it was fucking easy 💀. to be fair i am workingn with a 4 words, but the framework is simple, instead of individual variables i will just shift to arrays, its easy. am i the next terry davis??