
is the song danceable tho?

cutting edge tech (not really but fuck you, i can say whatever i want) to predict if a song is danceable or not.

20 november, 2023:

so i had a GBPP idea (genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, catch up libtards). you input the name of the song name and get the danceabbility. genius. heres the deal. i built the ml model. it is crap. i used linear regression and a shitty dataset that i stole off of kaggle. its like mixing lemonade and milk.

i have to build the site. i built a base, a scaffolding, if you will using flask. all GBPPers use flask. i want to add css and everything. its going to be the next google/amazon/netflix/internet explorer. i love science. what why did i type that.

21 november, 2023:

the site is done. its garbage. i dont know to flask around. i need to learn flask. but tony stark started by wearing a pretty ngl ass suit. same difference. the flask part is garbage. but its done. ill come back to this later but like the barebones is more or less done. yeah. you can check out the repo here, but dont judge okay? i dont know flask or web programming i do not know what a fucking http is. please. you know what. fuck you. does it fuxking reload everytime for no fucking reason sure. does it train the model and execute the webpage code in the same file yeah. does it have super simple bugs that can be easily fixed youre damn right, WHY DOES IT FUCJIJG RELOAD EVERYTIME WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING WRONG. also the ai model is ass. i trained it on a massive massive dataset with slecific niche. let me explain. i trianed it on a dataset with more than idk 10000 rows, but all of them were rap, trap or death metal. god fuckinh damn it. but heres the deal, it works for a split second. it does the prediction and outputs to flask. thats enough. for now. i can classify this as sort of done. nothing is ever truly completely done, rifht? yeah NIECD. you can checkout the code here watch and weep fuckers.